Sunday, December 9, 2007

Public Service Use: Auditing

I've put out a couple feelers to get an explanation for the full intention of the PublicService annotation. In the mean time, I've been doing a little digging of my own. There are two places that the intentions for this annotation may show up: Explicitly in code and implicitly in policy.

Explicitly the annotation is being used to assist services such as the Audit Service.

The audit component implementation relies on public service identifier interface to find public service methods. The implementation for the Public Service Identifier checks for the annotation to make its identifications.

I'll update this post with more explicit uses as they show up.

Will there be any implied policy in the Alfresco SDLC (software development lifecycle?) I don't know -- we'll see what Alfresco has to say about that; this is a good question for Paul Holmes-Higgin or David Caruana.

Personally I find the notion of a public interface much more interesting if it means I can count on it in some fashion because being marked as public sets parameters on the interface in the software development lifecycle. I am much more interested what this notion of public service could mean in terms of the SDLC.

As a customer dependent on a non standards based (although open) API, I need to know what I can count on, what to expect; I want predictability and stability.

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